What effect does the die line of 304 stainless steel long screw have?
What effect does the die line of 304 stainless steel long screw have?
Regarding the production of 304 stainless steel long screw, the Shi Shi Tong screw manufacturers are generally used to produce the mold closing machine, there will be a thin mold closing line under the screw head produced by the mold closing machine, will there be any impact on the assembly of this mold closing line?
Many customers worry that the clamping line under the 304 stainless steel long screw head will affect the assembly. If the customer requires that there is no gap between the item and the diameter of the screw when it is assembled, and it needs to be very flat. Then the clamping line under the screw head may affect the assembly. If the clamping line affects the assembly, the clamping line needs to be removed.
However, some customers will worry about this closing line is not to fall. In fact, this clamping line can be removed. When the head of the screw and the rod are cold-upsetting through the die line, the die line under the head of the 304 stainless steel long screw needs to be removed by turning. However, if the requirements for screw assembly are not high, the clamping line will not affect the assembly, so there is no need to add procedures to remove the clamping line.