
目前显示的是标签为“countersunk self tapping screws for steel”的博文

Shi Shi Tong provides customers with countersunk self tapping screws for steel easy to break solution

Shi Shi Tong provides customers with countersunk self tapping screws for steel easy to break solution I believe that when using screw fasteners, I hope that this screw should not be broken when it is used, or it can not be used. Mr. Zhou encountered that his  countersunk  self tapping screws for steel  were easy to break when in use. After Mr. Zhou found Shi Shi Tong, he asked us how to solve the problem that his screws are not easy to break. There are several reasons for the  countersunk self tapping screws for steel . One is the problem of material, the other is the problem of torsion, the other is the problem of not performing heat treatment. One is that the structure of the screw is unreasonable, and the other is the removal of hydrogen. Time is not handled well. Generally, the screws caused by these several aspects are easily broken. After understanding the various dimensions, material composition, strength grade, heat treatment, and torque during the use of Mr....