
目前显示的是标签为“electric socket screw”的博文

electric socket screw, Shi Shi Tong 22 years old custom manufacturer

Everywhere in modern life, electronic products are inseparable. The  electric socket screw  fasteners used in electronic products are generally more common, because large quantities of purchases will be more convenient. But there is no shortage of special needs to be customized, that is, custom-made Shi Shi Tong can solve. This  electric socket screw  is custom-made. It is quite ordinary at first glance. It is a small screw with a flat-headed hex, but it looks like so many sizes, especially under the head. If you look at such a subtle size, you can’t make it at one time. You can only use the method of car processing. The method of artificially one grain and one car is not only costly, but also the delivery time is very slow. The project immediately contacted Mr. Tan to determine whether it should be made exactly the same. If the requirements are not particularly high from the customer’s point of view, it is better to make a cold pier directly. . Mr. Tan did not ...