
目前显示的是标签为“m2x6 phillips flat head machine screws”的博文

Scale production of m2x6 phillips flat head machine screws

m2x6 phillips flat head machine screws  are small screws. In fact, various types of screws of the size below M3 can be called small screws. Shenzhen Shi Shi Tong Metal Products Co., Ltd. is your custom small screw expert. The Shi Shi Tong Screw Factory is a leading supplier of custom miniature screws and miniature fasteners. We specialize in the production of custom screws, manufactured to specifications, and provide fastening solutions for some of the world’s largest contract manufacturers, OEMs and businesses.  m2x6 phillips flat head machine screws  can be produced on a large scale, and our flexibility allows us to meet the needs of many professional industries. Application industries include consumer electronics, computer technology, telecommunications, consumer products, automotive, medical instruments, industrial products, optical equipment, etc. We offer the widest range of custom miniature screws and micro screws. Looking for  ...