
目前显示的是 十月, 2022的博文

screw manufacturer, custom screw, screw supplier

No matter what the product or accessory, there will always be someone who needs it badly at some point. When a seller can quickly provide the product he needs, he will pick up the goods from that seller. The same with screws. A few days ago, Mr. Wang searched “jieyang  screw manufacturer ” on the Internet When looking for jieyang  screw manufacturer , Mr. Wang found Shi Shi Tong and sent us the screws he needed, asking how soon we could ship them. After looking at Mr. Wang’s screw drawing, Shi Shi Tong found that this screw is not standard, the diameter of the screw head is 2mm larger than the standard, so it needs to be produced. And Mr. Wang said he was in urgent need, so Shi Shi Tong took this into consideration, so the production needs to be accelerated, the production time needs about 5 working days, the express delivery can be sf express, the next day. Mr. Wang said he would wait for jieyang screw manufacturer to give him the delivery time, he needs to compare.   A ...